Emergency Response Information Kit
The Emergency Response Information Kit ( E.R.I.K.®) is an important tool to support individuals during a medical emergency. This kit is ideal for seniors, those living alone, and those with communication barriers.
Once completed, the kit is placed on the fridge and the E.R.I.K.® sticker on the front door.
This kit provides the necessary information for emergency personnel to respond quickly to the situation when the individuals are unable to communicate for themselves.
E.R.I.K.® is a registered trademark developed by the former Boni-Vital Council for Seniors in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in response to community concerns regarding the availability of adequate information in emergency situations.
The kit contains:
- An E.R.I.K.® information sheet
- A Health and Medication form
- A Manitoba Health Care Directive form
- A Sign up for Life Organ Donation Registration card
- A red E.R.I.K.® sticker to be placed on the front door
- Business card for the local Seniors Resource Coordinator
- Optional French and Hard of Hearing stickers upon request
Contact your local Seniors Resource Coordinator for more information, to book a presentation or access kits.
Call 211 or www.wrha.mb.ca/support-services-to-seniors/seniors-resources-finders