Community Programs

The South Winnipeg Seniors Resource Council helps link and refer older adults 55+ to community supports, programs and services. Services we provide include:

Advocacy services

Assistance filling out forms and applying to various 55+ specific programs

Emergency Response Information Kits (E.R.I.K.)

For Your Information (F.Y.I.)

SWSRC creates and publishes a series of pamphlets on key topics such as Food Security, Housing and Transportation.

Information & referral to various agencies, programs, and support services in your community are available contacting the Resource Coordinator at 204 478-6169 or click here to email.  Programs include, but are not limited to, home care, rental assistance, health services, support services, legal assistance, and more.

Recreational & Learning Opportunities

The SWSRC works with local community groups to provide opportunities for socialization, health, and education. Currently the council collaborates on the Wednesdays for Seniors program that operates from September to June.
This program includes Community Health and Wellbeing meetings, a bookclub, Lunch & Learn’s, technology workshops and Movie and Popcorn nights, Please click here for the latest program info.

Community Updates.  Twice a month the SWSRC sends out email blast to our community and friends. The blast features information on programs, activities and educational workshops within our service area and across the city. To join our email list, please click here!

Pop Up Offices. To better connect to our community, the SWSRC’s Resource Coordinator hosts  a Pop Up Office at various community facilities, malls and seniors’ residences. This enables us to be out in the community which improves access to information. Please click here for our current schedule.

Education Programs and Workshops.  SWSRC can help facilitate presentations at seniors’ residences and to groups on a range of topics including: community services, ERIK, fall prevention, health and safety, and legal concerns.

The SWSRC can facilitate presentations to residences and groups on a range of topics. From our Community Service, ERIK, Fall Prevention presentations, to Current Health concerns, Health and Safety, Legal concerns, we can assist in providing these topics to our community

If you would like to book a presentation for your group or residence, please contact our coordinator .

For Services in French please contact:

Conseil des francophones 55+ de Winnipeg

phone : 204-793-1054 e-mail :